Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Today I learned that the drinking fountain on my level at work would be better titled "face hose".

It was fun though.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

I am absent minded.

I keep forgetting that I am 22. I just saw my age written on something and I was sort of disconcerted by it. I don't necessarily feel 21 or 20 or any particular age, I just feel a bit funny about my duration being measured like that.

Also I am trying to improve my consumption habits so right now I have organic chocolate, Scarborough Fair brand 70% cocoa. Every time I eat some I get the Simon and Garfunkel song stuck in my head, which I enjoy.

I also came across this singer, I can't quite figure out how? I did a google search and only 6 english-speaking websites even mention her. I believe she is from Hungary.

Péterfy Bori and Love Band - Vámpír

Don't worry, I don't have the dedication or free time to turn this into an obscure I-am-so-indie music blog. Then again maybe this is how it all starts.


Friday, August 01, 2008

A little context.

The previous post is not quite the beginning. You've seen part of the second act, and I need to write the first act and the final act. The whole thing will end up as a short story after the fashion of Mr H.P. Lovecraft, a fine fellow.